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Great Reads for Good Food

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New York Has Trouble Processing Food Stamps Applications

The food stamps program that is controlled by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), now known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), is typically one of the best-operated programs that the federal ...

How Does Having A Job Impact Food Stamp Requirements?

As lawmakers begin to debate the 2023 farm bill before the September 30 expiration of the current bill, the national food stamp program and its related work requirements are once again being heavily scrutinized. The food...

Best Foods to Eat if You Are Looking to Boost Your Bone Health

As people retreat indoors during the coldest days of the winter, it is no surprise to learn that vitamin D production is suffering. This vitamin is made when the body is exposed to sunlight. Without this amp...

Getting Your Chocolate Fix without the Carbs

There are conflicting messages delivered to average people in mainstream society today. One message says that people shouldn't worry about their weight, and that people can be "healthy at any size." This cont...

From Hunger to Hope: Empowering Lives Through Food Stamps Support Programs

In today's society, millions of individuals and families struggle to put food on the table. However, thanks to food stamps support programs, many people facing food insecurity receive vital ...

SNAP and Nutrition Education: Promoting Healthy Eating Habits

In recent years, there has been an escalating concern about the nutritional quality of food consumed by economically disadvantaged families. Research has revealed that individuals with limited economic means ar...

Food Stamp Boost Ends at Worst Possible Time

After the pandemic hit America, inflation immediately followed due to how much money was poured into the economy. This raised grocery prices through the roof, and so food stamp funds were increased to help people afford groce...

Alaskans Don't Know Where Their Food Stamps Went

In the state of Alaska, most people are very hard-working and do the sorts of jobs a lot of other Americans couldn't even handle. It's obviously very cold there, with harsh elements and strong winter storms. Howev...

Why You Should Make Fermented Foods a Cornerstone of Your Daily Diet

An increasing amount of research is pointing to fermented foods as being instrumental in promoting optimal gut health. Why do you need to support a well-functioning gut and what are the best foods to a...